Wednesday, December 06, 2006

which is better

i think i love my job. cuma, don't disturb me with those not-so-clever-ecore and stuffs. though i'm changing the field, aku sayang lagi dengan field lama aku. mmg le rindu nak buat balik keje2 lama tapi i need some space & time (maybe).

apa yg aku nak buat kalau aku berhenti kerja:
  1. bisnes sendiri
  2. home-stay-mom

dua2 ada advantage & disadvantage.

  1. bisnes sendiri - Adv - tak perlu kerja utk orang lain; Dis - kena tanggung risiko sendiri
  2. home-stay-mom - Adv - sepenuh masa utk family; Dis - mana wife nak dapat duit nak bagi kat parents kalau dia tak keje? what if the husband dump the wife?

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