Me - sudah ada 16 episod HEROES. Yeay! Baru aje copy dari sorang kakak kat opis ni. Khamis lepas lagi dah ada. Nanti boleh burn DVD. triple Yeay!
Me - sudah tampal LOTS mirror kat dalam bilik. yeay! tapi kan, bb tak kasi tampal kat rumah baru. dia kata, tak perlu hidup pura-pura. cermin tu untuk besarkan ruang. tak perlu tipu mata' sob sob.. it's not about pura-pura lah, and it's also not about tipu mata.
Me - so stressed. bila ada orang ni tanya aku pasal orang tu "eh, dia dah pregnant ke belum". secara jujurnya, soalan itu tidak patut ditanya. you don't have to compete with other people. itu semua rezeki dari-Nya. if your turn comes first, you don't have to expect that other people to be like you. contoh, if you buy RM5k diamond ring with cert or what-so-ever, you don't need to compare with other people.
Me - sudah tampal LOTS mirror kat dalam bilik. yeay! tapi kan, bb tak kasi tampal kat rumah baru. dia kata, tak perlu hidup pura-pura. cermin tu untuk besarkan ruang. tak perlu tipu mata' sob sob.. it's not about pura-pura lah, and it's also not about tipu mata.
Me - so stressed. bila ada orang ni tanya aku pasal orang tu "eh, dia dah pregnant ke belum". secara jujurnya, soalan itu tidak patut ditanya. you don't have to compete with other people. itu semua rezeki dari-Nya. if your turn comes first, you don't have to expect that other people to be like you. contoh, if you buy RM5k diamond ring with cert or what-so-ever, you don't need to compare with other people.
cakap kat bb awak, itu decokari, bukan besarkan ruang ke apa ke.. ape laa...
yang rezeki dariNya tu, aku sangat sokong
smlm tiba2 tengok kat Friendster, my junior in sekolah sorang ni dah ada baby. dia kawin bila pun aku tatau. huhuhu. langkah bendul. hihihi.
me too.not kawin yet.bila tengok kawan same age dah bawa perut, bawa anak, cam jeles je kan.tapi,tetap bersyukur dengan apa yang ada :)
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