Monday, March 12, 2007

Ok traffic but bad day

Traffic is ok today. No jammed jammed macam biasa. Salah satu sebab, sekarang cuti sekolah.

There’s one homo-sapien. Dan dia telah buat aku naik angin. Pesanan “kalau nak amik time off slip, it’s ok and I don’t mind. But pls, jangan sebab personal ko nak tinggalkan kerja ko kat aku.”

BTW, don’t you ever try to talk crap and tell lies if you do not know how to cover.

My day ended up with hot discussion with superior and me turn sakit hati. She is the reason why I missed my America’s Next Top Model. Arghhhhhhhhhh…


Marliza Radzi said...

menyampah betul colleague yang sebegitu

Wafaa said...

ya betul. never do that!