PS I love you will be filmed with Hillary Swank (Million Dollar Baby) as Holly and Gerard Butler (300) as Gerry. Tak sabar lah nak tengok. Filming in 2006. Should be out in 2008. Alahai tahun depan ke, lamanya. I think, I’ve fall in love with Cecelia. looking forward to get her other books.
Hillary Swank? alaa macam tak cukup comel je. I imagined Holly adalah pompuan comel macam reese witherspoon.
tapi Gerard sesuai gakla.
kalau Demi Moore? tapi kena mudakan dia 15 tahun lah. she did well in Ghost.
Hillary Swank muka dia cam 'keras' skit.Demi Moore lagi tak sesuai.Hehe.Tak sabar jugak nak tgk movie ni.
habis tuh kita nak amik sape ek, utk watak Holly? Eva?
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