Thursday, April 12, 2007

Another cut for American Idol

here's another cut and this time it's Haley Scarnato's turn to walk off the stage. aiyak. bila Sanjaya nak keluar. dia ni macam Dafi lah :)

i'm going back to hometown esok malam yeay!

28th ada futsal? hooo best

update on the MA*A offer. sudah call dan sudah bagitau "saya terpaksa menolak" tapi disaat tangan ni menaip, i'm still thinking about it. entah lah.

now i know to make a picture talks is not that easy. admire hasil tangan Shaliza Mokhtar. she's damn great.

1 comment:

Marliza Radzi said...

Sanjaya=Dafi? at least Sanjaya bolehlah jugak nyanyi.

Shaliza from Digital Syndicate is it? she is GOOD!