kemas bilik- sapu bilik, can consider done (or half done)watched cd/dvd- Happy Birthday (Hong Kong) dan juga Please Teach Me English (Korean). Take The Lead belum tengok.lipat baju- 100% done :)- read - don't have time this weekend
- iron baju kerja - same. kena bangun awal 15minit utk iron baju, seluar & tudung. nasib baik pakai uniform. jimat masa utk memilih :)
basuh baju- done but still the bakul ada baju kotorwatch AF 3rd week concert- tak suka konsert 3. tak best. fatin sedap. mila pon sedap.hantar barang rumah ayah cik- bukan setakat hantar barang, tapi juga melepakkan diri sambil tengok tv, makan2. syiok!send ummi & ira to Putra- balik sesat 2 minit. jalan tutup pulak.jumpa my chocholate inazuke- 10000% done
i regret on one thing. i hope i did not do that.
Update on 3.50pm.
- Please do not interrupt someone’s conversation. And try to be more manners.
- If you want to loose your weight, try this. Jangan makan nasi untuk sebulan. My friend did this and she managed to loose 20kg in 4 months. Believe it? Believe it.
- Please keep one umbrella in your car, at home and at workplace. Sekarang musim hujan. Kata pepatah, sediakan paying sebelum hujan.
- Please don’t do this. Buy branded expensive things and show off. Please don’t.
If you feel want to cry, just cry. Menangislah sepuasnya. - How to know when is your ovulation time? It’s when your vaginal discharge increased and your may have a slight rise in body temperature. Biasanya hari ke-14 mentrual cycle kita. (Copy : Home Health UK)
- Kueteow kung fu @ cantonese is not that difficult to make. And he loves it.
ha ah Mila surprisingly sedap.
but I like Aizat's, Ebi's, Fatin's and Farha's performances the most. kira okayla diorg compared to the rest. yang lain hancus.
especially Dafi. ngeh ngeh. lepas konsert % Ebi naik ke 1st place. fuuhh. Aizat comel je.
siapakah yang berbranded itu? dan siapakah yang tak makan nasi sebulan itu? macam nak try jer.. roti boleh?
orang yg sama :) u know who she is
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