taktau betul ke tak. tapi baik berjaga2 kan?
Please note that the LDP highway speed limit will be monitored by the CCTV. The speed limit is 90 kmh and if you go above that at 91 kmh, the camera will auto record and pass to police. The few identified areas where the CCTV is monitoring are as follows:
1) on the overhead pedestrian bridge in front of Kelana Jaya LRT station, monitoring the straight stretch
2) Somewhere near Western Digital (CCTV might be on Western Digital), monitoring the straight stretch in front of the Kelana Jaya Seafood
3) On IKEA, Monitoring straight stretch in front of IKEA and 1 Utama
4) On the double overhead bridge, monitoring the stretch between the Puchong toll and the Federal Highway turnoff.
5) In the tunnel near SS2 (please note that the speed limit is 60kmh, not 90 kmh)
Pesanan dari pengirim email "Please let your friends know. Please note"
halamaakkk..aku setiap ari lalu LDP...dua ari lepas aku pecut 120 n 130 je tau sbb lmbt dtg keje...x pasal2 lak aku dpt saman ekor kan...urmmm..kena bwk slow la nih??benci tau..ahah..
ops...tarikh lom ttp lg tau..ahaks.cam susah nak tetapkan..ahah...
sila nyanyi ikut cara lagu merdeka tu ye
"tanggal 31, bulan 8, 57, hari yang sesuai utk dijadikan hari kawin, miza & hasmaliza"
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