Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sipadan - Karambunai

Karambunai. cantik. dan juga agak mahal. cheapest room is RM780. Sipadan lagi la mahal. rates for diver and non-diver. around RM1000++ per head. argh.

left to right: Sipadan yang cantik dan Karambunai yang juga cantik

i have to leave my beloved desk and move into that so-tak-lawa-project-room. and now, i am hungry.

btw, update on American Idol. Sanjaya is voted out, finally :) cute he is but others are much much much much more better singer than him. everyone knows that for fact. his voice so soft. ape-ape pon, he is much much much much more better than Dafi. hehehe. owh ye, dah 2,3 malam tak tengok Diari AF. ape cite?

soon to have picnic at Kalumpang. bley lepak dengan Roza. miss to lepak2 with her, jalan2 cuci mata kat kedai2 mahal, huhuhuhu

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