today's lunch break is longer that normal day. i went to Anjung Merah, somewhere nearby COE sane. kerana suka sotong dan teringin makan kepah, i took lot of sotong celup tepung and kepah. lepas tu kena charge RM6 :( mahalnye. tapi ada hati nak makan ikan bakar. tapi ikan keli bakar tak ada. huhu, keciwa sedikit.
lepas tu pegi COE, dropped by at level 2, Siti Nor's place, to take my printer. konon2 nak exercise, i climbed the stairs all the way to level 2. unfortunately the room was locked. peeped inside, tak ada orang lah. keciwa sedikit.
i headed back to office. awal pulak tu. before 2 sudah sampai parking. tak ada orang. suddenly i feel like eating ice-cream. then i went to koperasi. eh eh, kenape gelap. laaaa tutup le pulak. lagi sekali keciwa.
berjalan dengan lemah longlai ke office. lalu ikut dalam kilang. nampak ada orang tengah buat kerja2 memateri. nampak lah api2 dia keluar. naik ikut PPC office. lagi sekali naik tangga. unfortunately, the door locked. have to have pass to go through. aaa. keciwanya.
itu sahaja. sekians.
esok nak pi jalan2.
lusa nak basuh rumah. kali ni kena make sure semua utilities ada, terutamanya pisau.
takpe. eksesais.
sotong celup tepung and kepah = RM6? murahla! my lunch today mahal! almost RM20. itula akibatnya bila teruja di Sushi King. hehehe.
uhu. lamanya tak makan sushi. Am bila mau makan nasi yg berminyak?
semalam tghari makan nasi daun pisang. malam, makan a table full of nasik berlauk2 thai. hahaha. sushi tu once in a while healthy indulgence je. hahaha.
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