Mimi atau Hamimi Salihah Abdul Halim, kawan dari darjah 1. kami sekelas sampai la aku pindah sekolah masa akhir darjah 5, rasanya lah. she is so lemah lembut. totally different from me. hehe. i was the one who main kejar2 masa sekolah while she just sitting on the bench watching me & other friends berkejaran dengan budak lelaki. so noti aaa.
as time goes by, masing2 dah ada kehidupan masing. cewah. she's now a doctor, married to a doctor jugak. and spending her time in hometown. best gile. owh, i missed her wedding last year. ye, kami los contact for years. when i lost my phone, i lost her number too. aku cari gak sampai dapat. lucky i have a friend taking medic at USM, and i asked her to find Mimi. akhirnya, dapat jugak. when i called her, she said "Mimi dah kawin dah... cari Wafaa tapi tak jumpa". alahai.
tapi sekarang, dah dapat 'anak saudara' dah. ngeee... i am happy for her. peluk cium utk baby, okey dear.
btw, i met this car twice. yesterday and the day before. the pic taken the day before. semalam tak boleh snap sebab jauh. tapi that little girl tengok aku semacam. mesti dia kata "macam pernah tengok je kakak ni..." oh, i took me 1 and half hour to reach home. jammed aaa.. tension.
landing baeeek punye
Haha.comel la budak tu.Teringat masa kecik suka baring kat situ gak.Kadang-kadang kat tempat kaki.
a'a tempat kaki pon best. tapi kena lapik kain, taruk bantal sket. huhu syiok..
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