Saturday, December 29, 2007


today is Sehati Berdansa finale. OMG. nervous siot. haha poyo je. but, it's true, i'm not lying. i really want to see V and Shidee to the the first champ. V has the skill and she deserves to win. kan best kalau malam ni diorang joget zapin & menari hindustan.

ok, that's about Sehati Berdansa. our activity today - to purchase a 32" LCD tv to replace the current one. and we did it. so, next project would be to buy 2 more barang rumah. it would be next year project. huhu. lagi 2-3 hari new year.


Lin Ghazale said...

wohoo flat panel

Wafaa said...

hoho LCD tv masuk troli. barang terakhir beli di tahun 2007.

aieesha.salleh said...

gempaks lah rumah ada Flat Screen ;)

Wafaa said...

tu la. rasa mcm kaya raya pulak hujung2 tahun ni. pastu garu kepala. hahaha. beli TV lagi mahal dari pegi honeymoon. hampeh jek

Marliza Radzi said...

neves kan sbb nak V menang! nasib baik menang! hehehe.

-->>>> N.A.M said...

bile le nk sampai umah ko nih....huhuhuh...

Wafaa said...

datang la. mcm rumah bujang je. ditemani oleh 'budak2' dlm aquarium.

Wafaa said...

Am, nasib baik V menang kan? kalau tak, keciwa la