Friday, January 18, 2008

loike the song

read this.

i've been listening to Aliff Aziz's Sayang Sayang for weeks. he has the voice. because of his song, i searched for other Singaporeans' songs. ada banyak yg sedap. serius.

cuma, in my record, Sayang Sayang, aku ada yg slow number. the one that has been played on the radio is the fast number one. i think i only heard HotFM playing that song. Era? asyik main lagu lama je.

1 comment:

Marliza Radzi said...

Saya Sayang yang Singapore version (the slow one) lagi sedap kan? lagu ni macam lagu rasmi Suria FM, selalu sangat main. after all, they were the one yang started to air the song even way before Malaysian people know this Aliff Aziz.