happy birthday!
semoga bahagia dengan hadiah birthday paling best - Azwan Shahady :)
oh, The Amazing Race Finale last night was soo berdebar2. the ladies dapat #2 tuuuu. cayalah. girl power!
Added @ home after work
i was so sakit belakang while driving home. sungguh lah tak selesa. tapi bila dapat baring atas sofa, fuuuuhhhh... leganya. mungkin sebab 1 hari duduk je kat kerusi. actually, i cannot concentrate on my work since after lunch. btw, hari ni pergi Mydin USJ, sebab rehat dari 12.45pm-2.45pm :) syiok.
oh, kenapa ye tak boleh concentrate? sebab belakang ku ini amatlah lenguh. i dono why. so lenguh macam angkat benda berat. due to that, i cannot concentrate even to do 1 simple data analysis took me 1 hour. aparaaa. so, i left office earlier. awal pon, pukul 6, where most of the staffs already on the road.
another dilemma - tak tau nak masak apa. this week i made tomyam, hati masak pedas, daging goreng halia. i dont have ayam in the fridge. i have daging, hati, kerang, perut. thats all. but i unfreeze ikan. so, what's the menu aaa? aiyooo.
15 min to 8. dear suami belum balik. recover keje semalam kot. he was on MC yesterday, jatuh motor. kesian. 3 bulan sebelum kawin pon dah jatuh sekali. semoga perjalanannya pergi-balik ke tempat kerja dilindungi-NYA. Amin.
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terime kasih
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