Friday, March 07, 2008

okay, i have 2 tips to share:
  1. pregnant woman can fly (naik kapal terbang ye, bukan terbang mcm Peter dlm Heroes tu) only IF she does not have any complication like bleeding. IF yes, the possibility of miscarriage is very high.
  2. if you are pregnant and you are having flue or fever or cough, do not take any medicine if the sakit-sakit is not so teruk.
  3. it is okay if you and your husband make love during your pregnancy. it won't hurt the baby. but please avoid if you do experience bleeding.

mana saya dapat tau? tanya doc sendiri tadi.

tomorrow is the election day. gambatte! semuga semua yang bersih-bersih berjaya. yang tak bersih tak nak.

i'll miss my husband for these 2 nights. see you on Sunday morning darling. amicu!


Eliss said...

Alhamdulillah..Yang bersih² banyak menang!

Wafaa said...

:) terutamanya Nurul Izzah. she's so sweet and ambitious