however, i still can catch up with few things :)
- Spongebob Squarepants season season 1 and 3. And, Grey's Anatomy season 1-3. A S'porean friend passed me the dvds for me to copy. But with the time constraint and laptop not with super-cool performance, i didn't have chance to copy GA season 3. i think, i'll get one copy. sebab ape tau, the packaging is so cantik lah. sangat nampak original hehe :) opss..
- Attend family's engagement. The bakal pengantin lelaki is my mom's cousin. The venue was just nearby my house. So, of course lah I am the first to arrive at the tempat berkumpul. Oh, the couple decide to nikah on 08-08-08 with hantaran RM8080.80. tersasul2 pakcik tu nak menyebut hehe.
- Pay a visit to Setapak. Sebelum kawin, aku selalu ke sana. lepak2, baring2, makan2 @ my AyahCik's house. this is my 1st visit lepas kawin. sob sob. sungguh ntah-pape. i went there straight away from the engagement ceremony, with 2 lil cousin yg nak naik kereta aku. suami? tak ada. dia kerja.
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