Saturday, March 22, 2008

in the middle of a busy week..

last week might be the busiest week in this year, so far. ceh. why the busiest? tak sempat nak melagha since the system go-live. with non-stop phone calls, with supervisor yang rasanya mmg tak boleh nak faham web-based system than the long time supported-SAP, with daily 5pm-meeting. walau ape pon, cara aku bekerja adalah buat ape saja dengan penuh coolness. jangan tension2. buang karan aje. jangan sesekali biarkan kerja menbebani kepala. tak elok utk kesihatan juga. jadi, just keep it nice and cool. stress lebih2 pon tak guna. hmm.. rasanya itu adalah ciri orang yg bukan menfokuskan hidupnya kepada kerja semata-mata. heh.

however, i still can catch up with few things :)

  1. Spongebob Squarepants season season 1 and 3. And, Grey's Anatomy season 1-3. A S'porean friend passed me the dvds for me to copy. But with the time constraint and laptop not with super-cool performance, i didn't have chance to copy GA season 3. i think, i'll get one copy. sebab ape tau, the packaging is so cantik lah. sangat nampak original hehe :) opss..

  2. Attend family's engagement. The bakal pengantin lelaki is my mom's cousin. The venue was just nearby my house. So, of course lah I am the first to arrive at the tempat berkumpul. Oh, the couple decide to nikah on 08-08-08 with hantaran RM8080.80. tersasul2 pakcik tu nak menyebut hehe.
  3. Pay a visit to Setapak. Sebelum kawin, aku selalu ke sana. lepak2, baring2, makan2 @ my AyahCik's house. this is my 1st visit lepas kawin. sob sob. sungguh ntah-pape. i went there straight away from the engagement ceremony, with 2 lil cousin yg nak naik kereta aku. suami? tak ada. dia kerja.

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