yaaa... 2nd post of today.
i'll be working tomorrow. so, won't be able to survey barang untuk bilik si kecik itu. however i did some survey on Internet. omigod. comelnya. survey sekali untuk master bedroom. i sooo want to have new paint for these 2 rooms. and the border. and the wallpaper. and the sticker. mahu itu bilik dicat baru. untuk si kecil itu juga :)
alaa excitednya!!! :)
niat nak mengecat bilik tu dah lama. cuma sekarang je ala-ala nak tertunai gitu hehe. btw, decor baby's room is so much fun!
bestnya...our dear baby tadak bilik...maklumlah umah sewa jer..x leh nak mcm2..
eh boleh la eliss. tak cat pon tak pe, deco cantik2
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