Seronok sebab dah lama tak pegi jalan-jalan in a biiiiiggggg group. i've enjoyed it so much, walaupon ada beberapa event aku tak dapat join. itu nanti cerita kat Frust. kami 2 outdoor activities - telematch & explorace. i have so much fun walaupon frust.

Telematch & Explorace. Main pass gelung. Bawa kuda jalan. Bina 5ft tower. Rafting (masuk air tuu). Not in the picture is archering.
Penat sebab tak cukup rehat. we have rush from 1 location to another after one's done. our hotel room is at Colmar Tropicale and all our in-house activities took place at a convension hall @ Berjaya Golf Club, about 10mins by buggy. our main transport there was buggy. no time to rest sebab nak kejar masa with so many activities. hanya break kejap untuk makan & solat. don't even have time to baring2 kat hotel.
Like I mention above, we have 8 meals. from breakfast, to tea break in the morning, to lunch to tea break in the evening, to dinner, to supper at night. Semuanya Sedap. betul. tak tipu. kalau dah namanya pegi team building, tak keluar 1 sen pon untuk beli makanan. heh. owh, about the food. the cakes might not be my fav this time but the pastries, the pies were soooo nice. cuma, tak banyak pilihan buah. need to upgrade that part. heh. the lauks-pauks were great. rasanya semua orang naik at least 1kg kot. muehehehe.
Apart of that, the accomodation is also Selesa. Kitorang dapat bilik yang besar. To describe that, look at the pic.
See the 1st picture? That pic tells the telematch and explorace. Seronok tapi frust. Frust sebab tak dapat join, maksudnya i cannot do all those things because of my condition. tak dapat horse riding, tak dapat buat archering, tak dapat main semua game masa telematch. dan juga tak dapat buat "jumping photo shoot" :( however, i took part in the last explorace's game - rafting. kena bina rakit, dan sorang kena masuk dalam air untuk tarik from 1 pool side to the next side. the result is aku jatuh dalam air. muehehehe. i just cannot can't help myself bila ada aktiviti yg melibatkan air. serius. walaupon tak pandai berenang tapi i enjoyed water sport. nantilah lepas bersalin, pegi berkayak kat mana-mana.well, i'm proud of myself for joining the activity. Alhamdulillah kerana diberikan kesihatan yg baik :)
i'll post some more pics.
1 comment:
nanti lepas dah deliver, leh lompat puas² k !skang kena jaga baby tu baik²
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