Sunday, May 18, 2008


yesterday and today i was left alone at home. suami kena kerja. he's even working tomorrow when everyone is away for Wesak public holiday. tak ape lah :)

i just melepak kangkong (bak kata Am) at home for these 2 days. hmmm.. not really dok kat rumah. i sent him to work today, volunteer lagi. dropped by at baking house at Shah Alam and hypermarket to jalan-jalan cari barang. hey, i already have my very first mixer, a hand mixer to be specific. i always wanted to get one for myself. hari ni baru dapat. balik je, terus buat 1 biji kek. this is first bake after married and the 2nd cake. itu hari buat kek batik. that one no need any oven to bake. letak je dalam peti ais.

and, yesterday and today, i watched American Idol marathon. tv tak tukar channel lain. heh. kalau Husband ada, he'll switch to channel yang bukan nyanyi-nyanyi :) since next week is American Idol finale, with David A vs David C, i think Cook will walk out as new champ. tapi Archuleta also has sweet voice. dah la comel. tak ape lah Michael Johns tak ada pon.

another entertainment session i had yesterday was Iron Man. actually i felt asleep. the last quarter of the movie, baru la aku terjaga dan tengok sampai habis. itu pon masa dia lawan-lawan. nevermind lah, nanti tengok lagi sekali.

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