Yes, it's already 8 months. Kejap je kan? 8 months, but I still don't have chance to re-print a few of our wedding photos to put in a few frame, bought months ago. Baby's on the way tapi print gambar kawin pon belum. Have hundreds from our OP, buntalshoot tapi itu dalam album.
Confession - my life changed a little bit, in this 8 months. Atau dengan kata lain, bila kawin, hidup kita akan berubah. Or, maybe not for certain people.
My day started at 6.30am every morning. Took my shower, kejutkan dear Husband, Subuh, prepare his needs (baju dan breakfast), then only I get ready to work. Petang, lepas habis kerja 5.30pm, sambung balik kerja sebagai surirumah. Try to get home before 7pm, tapi depends jugak, kadang-kadang awal, kadang-kadang lambat, depends on what time I left the office. Okay, sampai rumah, prepare to cook. Ya, aku masak, tiap-tiap hari. Tiap-tiap hari means, 7 days a week. "Lauk simple pon tak apa, as long as it's home cook", kata Husband. Sepanjang 8 bulan kawin, ada la 3-4 hari bekerja makan kat luar. Masa mula-mula kawin, ada la a few kakak kat office tanya "Masak ke makan luar?". Bila aku jawab "Masak", diorang akan cakap, "Mula-mula rajin lah, lama-lama semuanya lauk beli". Tapi aku dah janji dengan diri sendiri, selagi mampu, aku tak akan sediakan lauk beli untuk suami.
TV? Dulu, the remote is mine. Aku kaki TV dulu, and still a kaki TV. But now, we share same remote. So, kena la tolak-ansur. I let him control the remote sebab aku tahu yang his daily work at his workplace is not as simple as my work. Hohoho... yeah, kerja aku takde la stress macam dia. I do have time to melaghaaa.. hehe. And now, no more tengok wayang. Hmm... the only movie that dragged us to cinema is Transformers. A'a sekali tu aje. We even watched Transformers for more that 3 times at our 32" LG lcd tv. We watched new and old movies at home, lepak on the coach, sambil makan fried fries yang digoreng di rumah :) Kalau rasa nak tengok cerita hantu, ha.. bawak lah segala bantal ke depan tv. We do surf the Internet, play songs at almost 10-years old hi-fi he bought back in Japan, feeding the fish in the fish tank. Husband suka dok depan aquarium, tengok ikan goyang-goyang. Yeah, we pamper ourselves in that way. He's busy 5 days a week at work, kadang-kadang weekend pegi keje. Bila weekend, he prefer to stay at home.
And, I guess, our precious life will be 100% changed with little precious one, InsyaAllah in October. Alhamdulillah, in this 5 months+++ pregnancy, I'm given a good health, good enough for me to do all the housework as usual, driving everyday to Shah Alam from PJS3, to handle workload in office, to handle no so ok so-called boss. Syukur sangat-sangat. Sekarang, baby sangat lah aktif. Pusing sana sini. He/She so cool sampaikan aku boleh makan macam-macam. Yes, it's still he or she, and will remain secret until the day he/she see the world. Perut pon sudah nampak. Tapi bila kat office, masih orang kata "Kau ni betul ke mengandung". I was like "Whatever". Ada yang kata "Nak sorok la tu". Eh hello, dah badan aku tak naik nak buat camane. Takkan nak suruh pakai baju macam balut nangka pegi keje. Akai ada ka? Apa-apa lah, dalam hidup ni memang ada orang nak ambik tahu hal kita. Let them be :O
Panjangnya. Sorry, kalau boring. Last but not least, Happy Father's day to baba. Not forgotten to my grandfather, uncles, cousins and friends. All dad in this wide world. And, to him, dad2be :)
hehehe..samalah.byk lagik gmbar kawen yg tak print dan x letak satu pun lagik dalam frame..dah hampir kuar baby ni..
eliss masuk 8 bulan br pakai baju mengandung..ramai jugak yg terkejut coz br nampak perut..huhuhu
kite kat sini hari2 pakai seluar & kemeja kat opis. Jumaat pakai baju kurung, ada kakak ni cakap "pakai baju kurung lagi laaa tak nampak".
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