Monday, July 14, 2008

Suami pulang lewat, jadi...

Suami pulang lewat. Oleh kerana keseorangan, aku hanya melepak depan tv, nonton Miss Universe 2008. Few points from there;
  • Kaki mereka cantik. Perut mereka sangatlah flat. Tapi Husband kata kurus kering. Hihi.
  • Almost 90% of the contestant berambut panjang.
  • Miss USA jatuh lagi, same round (evening gown). Tahun lepas Rachael Smith. Gedebuk.
  • Miss Venezuela menang. Cantik.

In the midst of making my very first karipap. Baru siap inti. Pastri dia besok lah :) Suka karipap pusing tapi kena buat kerja lebih sket lah. Kena buat 2 jenis doh.

There are a few newborn babies around me last weekend.

  • Abang Amri. 4.2kg baby girl, normal delivery @ Hospital Putrajaya. He said "Normal okay!" Heheh.. rezeki anak.
  • Kak Lin. 3.4kg baby boy, normal delivery @ SJMC, tak jahit apa-apa. oooomigodd, bagusnya
  • Brangelina. 5 pounds twins, dua2 berat lebih kurang, c-sect @ France seaside hospital

Ok, dah lewat. Nite nite.


Anonymous said...

4.2kg? normal.. hebat lah wife abg amri :)

wow, tak perlu jahit? itu pun hebat..

brangelina?? jauh tu..

Wafaa said...

A'a Brangelina tu tak nak beranak kat sini. Kalau kat sini bole gak aku pegi tengok muahahaha. Ada sorang kakak ni 4.4kg, normal. Staf laki kt ofis dia mcm "Haaaaa? Kau biar betul". Mommies rock!

Marliza Radzi said...

thot Columbia would win but I did not watch the Q&A round, so I'm guessing Venezuela was more articulate? sebab physically, lagi prefer Columbia. heh.

brangelina twins! I can't even imagine how comel they would be with their perfect DNA. sigh.

Wafaa said...

A'a prefer yg Colombia jugak. dia punye cun tu lebih sket.

The twins? Hooo... gambar surat beranak pon 1 dunia tengok.

Anonymous said...

blog hopping..
eh i only watched miss universe until they selected the top 10..
miss USA jatuh again??? oooh dear...i haf no comments on that..
but yeah i preferred colombia as well but venezuela mmg dpt byk points pon

Wafaa said...

Hi Mieza. A'a iye, dia jatuh tapi kali ni camera cam focus jauh. Di baru nak amik 1st step. Tak mcm last year, dah byk step tiba2 gedebuk.