Monday, August 04, 2008

Order and deliver

In conjunction with Husband's birthday, I have ordered one dozen of red roses from the e-florist, Blooming Florist. It comes with 1 Beryl's Heartshape chocolate. The delivery is FOC for Klang Valley. Online ordering, masukkan segala jenis information dan buatlah payment. I paid using M2U.

Hihiii... mesti kena marah sebab suruh orang bunga hantar bunga ke kilang. Ye, perkara yang tak pernah aku buat. Saje. I was thinking to buy a chocolate cake lah. Hmmmm... sedapnya.

Updated at 3.54pm
He received the flower. Glad he likes it.


Sha said...

Salam wafa..
1st time comment kat your blog ni.
anyway, seronok tau dpt bunga2 ni..hehe
hati si dia mesti berbunga riang! :)

Wafaa said...

:) Salam. Hi Sha, tenkiu for visiting. A'a cannot imagine him carrying bunga yg besaaaar jambangannya tu, dari guard house ke ofis. Ada cokelat lak tu. Nasib baik takde teddy bear.

Marliza Radzi said...

I did the same thing for my husband last year (tapi masa tu tunang lagi la) hehehe.

Wafaa said...

cute kan bila orang laki bawa bunga hihihi.