Saturday, July 17, 2010

mini mattress cover

I bought a 47 x 118" fabric from ik3a couple weeks ago. Ada car character. Comel. Niat di hati mahu jadikan sarung tilam Iman. Portable tilam yang boleh diangkut ke mana sahaja. This time the fabric turn to mattress cover earlier than I expected. Why? Because Iman threw up on his tilam, gara-gara tak nak makan ubat on last Thursday. So, having so many free time today, me and Iman work on this cover. Iman helped me a lot. Errr... tolong duduk atas kain so that kain tu tak bergerak, tolong ambilkan measuring tape, tolong ambilkan ruler ^_^ This is 2nd cover I made for Iman. 1st one was doraemon, yg kena muntah tu :)

Iman put teddy on the tilam as soon as I show him the tilam with new cover. He addressed the teddy as 'bibi' hahahahaha... nak adik ke Man? Lambat lagi la yang

Husband been super busy lately. Sabtu yang patut cuti pon kena kerja. Left alone at home with Iman, super tunggang langgang rumah. Kemas toy 5 min, kurang 10 sec dah berterabur balik. It is a home with a 21 month toddler. What to expect.

Let the pictures speak.

He is so into Playhouse Disney. Kalau kita tengah tengok cite lain, dia bawak remote kasi kita, mintak tukar. Kalau di'attend', Iman akan tekan button OFF. Haishhh.. gawat.

Selain pakar sepahkan toy barang 1-2 bakul, Iman expert bab hias sofa. Habis diterbalikkan. Lagi best, bila dia menyorok di celah-celah back kusyen tu.

He was chasing me. Lately, he likes to wrestling with me.

He found sock in the hill of unfold kain. Nak pakai sock dan mintak "asyut". Kemudian Iman kata "tomm". Later, kami dah pon ada kat playground. (read asyut=kasut, tomm=jom)


aS_c0mei said...

sungguh iman ngadap tb.hahahha...

Wafaa said...

meme sunggguh pon. remote dok tange dia time tuh