Monday, February 26, 2007


i am stressed for this 2 weeks. have to cover 2 systems, due to unavailability of the PIC for the other system. WMS - daily synchronization failed dari 15hb. distributors & suppliers are going to make noise soon. i bet. beratus chassis no yang nak kena extract. one-by-one, not batch-by-batch. ok. Precise - tak banyak sangat. but still have to do manually. and that is so *&^%! sorry bad word. again.

lepas keje, i have a nice roti canai and capati. arghhhhhhh buat rugi je aku kawal makan weekend hari tu. sekali melantak 2 keping. cait.

i watched the repeat of Academy Award 2007. i love Helen Queen's speech. penuh makna, no crap like others, not sooo long speech. dan, dia sangat lah lawa. and also the baju is so cantik. habis je cite tuh, ada la plak CSI. adoi. aku dah mengantuk-ngantuk. camane nak tengok ni. susah betul lah. time takde cite, bosan gile. time ada plak, mata pulak mengantuk. teruk betul.


Anonymous said...

baju dia sangat heavenly!

anak will smith sangat comel!

Wafaa said...

alamak. anak will smith ada ke? budak kecik yg jadi nominee utk best actress tuh pon cute.

Anonymous said...

haa anak will smith jadi presenter dengan budak nominee Little Miss Sunshine tulah.