Friday, June 29, 2007

akhirnya, sudah habis show yang disukai oleh wafaa - so you think you can dance. my fav Alam wins! cayalah Alam. he is a brilliant dancer. especially when he did his solo routine. perfect number! lagu masa tu pon shedap. tapi taktau tajuk :)

if i want to talk about colors, i dont fancy pink. and pink is not my favorite color. wonder why when it's time to choose something, i'll go for pink.

baju kecik - gula2 kapas - tetikus a.k.a mouse - pouch utk handphone - cable tie - getah ikat rambut - small bag from korea (tq incik dolah, tq sharon) - bekas isi barang2 kecil - hair dryer


Anonymous said...

we are so alike.. my fav color is blue, but i wonder why i always pick pink when buying all the comel2 stuff.. mebbi kite ni ada sikit state-of-denial kot??

Marliza Radzi said...

Alam deserves it!

Wafaa said...

me oso like blue. barang2 mcm tu pilih le pink. baju kurung, biru kot.

Alam sangat lah best bila dia menari. agak2 dlm youtube ada tak.