Saturday, February 02, 2008


Roza & Wandy,

Congratulations on your sweet-pink wedding!

now u know why i called it a sweet-pink wedding :)


Marliza Radzi said...

aawh state of bliss

Anonymous said...

OMG OMG do you have the larger versions? i hardly see her in the pictures. susah tul pengantin ni, ramai peminat.ekeke

p/s thanks for posting!

aieesha.salleh said...

aaa, best nyer dapat wedding pink.........

Wafaa said...

cik yam.. sungguh lah tragik kisah aku & camera. smp rumah pengantin, bateri habis, ok. gara2 suami yang joli sakan dgn camera. mmg takde mood nak bergambar (pastu rasa menyesal). muahaha.. ni pon tunggu roza balik, nak mintak gambar yang photographer dia amik. sedeh2

Wafaa said...

a'a khemah pink. pengantin pink. tapi nasi warna kuning2 sket. sebab nasi minyak. hehe

Wafaa said...

oh AM, kamu comment jam 7pm Ahad? kat mana tu?

huhu nanti turn kamu pulak :)

Anonymous said...

alaaa ye keee? SAYANGNYEEEE
moral of the story : always bring extra batt in case of emergency.
hehe penah gak jadi benda sama, mmg serik.

takpe2. let us all wait. PATIENTLY. like adults. hahah

Wafaa said...

muahaha betul betul. i was about to beli new battery. tapi DSLR punye bateri mahei dr bater eveready