Thursday, January 31, 2008

we had our dinner sambil2 tengok Alien vs Predator on the tv. most of the LCD tv sold in the market now have PC input function. so, jalan mudah adalah:
  • transfer the dowloaded movie to external hard disk
  • attach external hard disk to laptop
  • connect using cable to LCD tv
  • laptop speaker to connect to hi-fi :)
  • press Fn + F5 and play the movie

senang aje kan? boleh tengok movie yang kita suka kat rumah, dengan environment mcm dlm cinema. hehe. i asked him to set a target date to complete the home theater set up at our living hall. he has a lot of Yamaha speaker, yang pelbagai size. complete set. store room kami penuh dengan speaker. walaupon dah hampir 10tahun usia barang2 tuh, they are well maintained.


Anonymous said...

wafa, send my regards to lyn eh. cuba geletek masa dia sanding .
dia takleh revenge punya sbb majlis kita dah setelll .. ekeke

Wafaa said...

haha nak kena kejar bole la..