Tuesday, May 06, 2008


i've been tagged by Elly. dah lama tak kena tagged. this reminds me another tag yg belum buat lagi :)

start with this one first lah.

Name Tag: Wafaa Bt. Abdul Latiff
Tagged by: Amelia Wong Azman @ Elly @ Insyirah's mom

The Rules :
  1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
  2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
  3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
  4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.

Ok, this is mine.

Fact 1:
I love working here. sungguh tak sangka kan? the environment is ok. colleagues are ok. very comfortable at this small office. love it better than the one sebelah Kesas sana. but, it will a hard decision to leave this company. as of now, it's not about money. i have to think for time quality for my family, dear husband and lil-anak besok.

Fact 2:
i dont have kain batik. i dont wear kain batik. i dont know how to, ekceli. i also dont wear any make-up, but lipgloss.

Habit 3:
selalu bangun tengah malam, around 2am macam tu, sneak into kitchen to find something to eat. lepas makan, boleh lak sambung tidur.

Habit 4:
sejak kawin, suka kalau Husband yang tolong 'bersihkan' telinga :) best wooo.. dan sejak kawin juga, i can learn to sleep with less pillows, sebab dah dapat bantal yg lagi best. heh. eh, itu habit ke? whatever lah.

Fact 5:
copycats annoying me.

Fact 6:
we've just opened Tabung Haji accounts. dah tua baru nak buka akaun. teruk betul.

Habit 7:
pantang bila nampak kedai buku & farmasi. i like the smells and the environment. i can spend hours in there. tak beli pape pon tak pe. buang masa ke?

Habits 8:
kaki tak boleh dok diam. mesti mau goyang2, gerak2. pastu dalam office suka bukak kasut & bersila :)

ok that's it. to tag people? tak kot. kalau rasa rajin nak buat, buat lah :)


Anonymous said...

hahaha.. fact 8..

aku kena gelak sebab suka bukak kasut and dok bersila di sini.. mebi sebab dok tepi hway kot? tapi, yang penting keselesaan kite selama 8 jam ;)

Ms.Rainna said...

wafaa..nak tgk blog muahmuah..tp kene invite la..bole invite kite? :D
ni emel : rinamienamei@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

sape yg gelakkan kau? meh kita sekeh dia

Wafaa said...

mienamei, okey!

Ms.Rainna said...

kite pong dah add kamu!!! hihihi

Anonymous said...

eh haah laa wafaa.. nama aku pun dah kena tendang dari muah muah blog..

add ek ;)

Eliss said...

kelakar laa x reti pakai kain batik..huhuhu..
kiter pun baru update buku tabung haji last year..yg kelakarnya ms kecik lagikk dah buat x update2.siap bapak lagik pegi sekali nak tukar akaun dari budak kecik ke dewasa..hahahaha