- Login to source server by using telnet. Use telnet source server IP address
- Go to path you want to copy the file. Use cd path
- Type ftp destination server IP address.
- Login to destination server by using root or anonymous.
- Go to directory you want to copy the file into. Use cd path.
- Copy the file using put or mput*. Pls note that put is to copy 1 file and mput is to copy multiple files. Use put filename
or mput filenames * . - To leave the ftp session, type bye.
ok, siap. senang aje kan? it took me hours to refresh back sebab dah lama tak buat :)
diminta kepada pn wafaa supaya menyertai Forum Alumni Bekas Pelajar MRSM PT yang baru ditubuhkan.Nanti ajak la budak2 batch join untuk memeriahkan lagi..http://mrsmpt.com/forum/index.php
ini cikAhmad mana ni?
junior la kak
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