Tuesday, May 06, 2008

simple FTP

if you want to FTP a file from one server (source) to another server (destination), use the following steps:
  1. Login to source server by using telnet. Use telnet source server IP address
  2. Go to path you want to copy the file. Use cd path
  3. Type ftp destination server IP address.
  4. Login to destination server by using root or anonymous.
  5. Go to directory you want to copy the file into. Use cd path.
  6. Copy the file using put or mput*. Pls note that put is to copy 1 file and mput is to copy multiple files. Use put filename or mput filenames*.
  7. To leave the ftp session, type bye.

ok, siap. senang aje kan? it took me hours to refresh back sebab dah lama tak buat :)


Anonymous said...

diminta kepada pn wafaa supaya menyertai Forum Alumni Bekas Pelajar MRSM PT yang baru ditubuhkan.Nanti ajak la budak2 batch join untuk memeriahkan lagi..http://mrsmpt.com/forum/index.php


Wafaa said...

ini cikAhmad mana ni?

Anonymous said...

junior la kak