Monday, May 19, 2008

Selamat berehat!

On my way back from KL Sentral, I dropped by at one book store at Bangsar. First time mencari Jalan Telawi. Redah je. Biasanya kalau nak pergi ke mana-mana tempat yang tak pernah pergi, I'll do some google-ing first. Find a map and follow the landmark, untuk elakkan kami banyak sangat makan langsat kat jalan (sesat in other word heheh).

I tried not to be too leka in the book store, so I just go straight to the area that I want. Almost dragged by attractive novels. Omigod. Sabar aje lah. Maklumlah, hujung bulan, babe. Heh. Ada hati tu masuk kedai buku. Oh, btw, the book store is CzipLee.

Today's Monday but there's no more Bella on TV3. the lawa Fazura will fill the Bella's slot at 6.30pm. And, just to share one opinion. It's about Britney Spears. I wish she can make her come back, wish that she will be the sweet Britney singing Hit Me Baby... (One More Time). After watching THS at Channel 712 about Brit, rasanya kalau dia stick with Justin Timberlake, she'll be better. Yes, I guess, if the media said K-Fed yang huru-harakan hidup dia, I believe it 120%. Tapi, boleh pakai jugak K-Fed, anak-anak dia dengan Britney ~ comelnya. Ke sebab itu anak orang putih?

Talking about anak, I can feel some bubble-bubble in my tummy. Kadang-kadang masa relax2 tengok tv or even in the office, I feel the minor movement. It's called quickening. Ok lah baby, we'll see you in 2 weeks time. Be good, be cool.


ellyWong said...

ahhh... best kan? the feeling of having someone in our 'belly' kan.. hehe :D

tak lama jer lagi ni boleh rasa kaki and siku pulak. ;)

Wafaa said...

hehe. rasa mcm dia buat bunyi tengah menari2?

Eliss said...

memang best bila dah gerak²...18 minggu my baby♥ dah start gerak²..rasa mcm kena jentik mula² tuh tapi skang, rasa senak pun ada..doktor ckp tapak kaki dier panjang..patutlah..hehehe

Wafaa said...

a'a mula2 tak perasan. ingatkan sb lapar, tapi lama2 baru perasan. baca2 kat Internet, mmg ada mcm tu