I know it's a little bit late to talk about this - harga minyak naik dari RM1.92 ke RM2.70. Semalam lepas kerja, singgah Petronas Sri Sentosa. Saje je bagi lampu merah menyala lama sket. Nak tengok, berapa banyak boleh isi full tank Kancil. And guess what, one full tank for Kancil is equal to approx 22 liter (yesterday was 21.74 liter), and I have to pay RM58.70. Before this, normally for one tank I paid for Rm38. Extra RM20. Geee... that's expensive. Ini baru si Kancil, kalau kereta besar camane?
Oh, btw, one more thing. Dalam beberapa minggu ni, rasa rajin semacam untuk memasak. Dan hari ni, teringin nak masak lauk sambal ayam. Caranya sama dengan cara masak sambal yang lain, termasuklah menggunakan cili kering. Except for this one, the dried chilli is soooo big dan panjang. 1 jengkal and more. This one is given by my mom when my adik-adik came for school holiday last week. First time tengok cili kering sebesar ni. Belum pernah jumpa kat KL. So I'll categorize this one as rare found item :)

Cili kering yang besar
Talking about my adik-adik's school holidays, here's some photo to share.
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