* You definitely look pregnant now. No I am not yet. But doc said baby's size is okay, not small. Alhamdulillah.
* Your waistline is no longer visible. Setakat ni still visible.
* The top of uterus is just below the navel. Tak tahu ape benda ni.
* Your navel may be flattened or pushed out and remain this way until after the birth. Whatever lah.
* You may experience breathlessness upon exertion. Breathless tu tak ada lah, tapi cepat penat kalau berjalan cepat/jauh dan naik tangga yg tinggi.
* Indigestion and heartburn as the uterus starts to push against your stomach. No, not at the moment.
* Increase in appetite. Masa tak pregnant pon mmg appetite tu sentiasa ada :)
* You may develop a craving for something unusual. Since early pregnancy already developed
* You will probably be feeling energetic. Alhamdulillah, from early phase until now, tak pernah rasa lembik. All time okay-okay.
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