Sunday, June 01, 2008

when meet old friends...

I can't stop talking and laughing. It's good to hang out with old friends. Latest nearest event was Jijan's wedding in Keramat yesterday. I was not accompanied by partner macam orang lain sebab Husband kerja. Sigh. But it's okay.

I don't bring D40 because of not so selesa to hold that thing in baju kurung. So, no pix in this entry. Rugi la pulak tak bawak camera. I think I need a small new digicam. Canon or Fujifilm? Hmmm...


ellyWong said...


Wafaa said...

ini mesti guna Sony ni

ellyWong said...

tak tak.. elly gune canon. tapi rasanya macam pasni nak beli sony. hohoho