In recent system barter between me and my colleague, I received a copy of Ghost Whisperer (again). Kali ni, the video quality sangat-sangat bagus. Aku suka. Lagi suka bila dapat season 1 and season 2 sekaligus. I'm not catching up the latest season. Tak apa lah. Marathon sekali lagi season 1 and 2. But I don't even have chance to marathon Grey's Anatomy which already in my collection since last March.
Another good thing is I have found a good recipe. Hehe. Banana pancake atau pon lempeng pisang. Last week, aku buat jemput-jemput pisang. And, he loved it and finished a whole pinggan of jemput-jemput. I think I did a good thing. Sabtu lepas dia tak sempat makan kat tempat kerja. Then I decided to make some sandwich for him and I loved it.
Oh, I went for my 5th check-up last week. Baby sudah besar dan sudah boleh tahu G or B. Tapi takpe, we'll wait until the delivery day. Surprise! Good thing is I've gained 3kg and now 51kg. Tapi kena control makan supaya tidak terlalu overweight as I have family history (diebetic) and Husband advice to, supaya tidak susah melahirkan due to bigggggg size baby.
Last but not least, another good thing is I will have good rest this coming weekend, after a week not enough rest :) Oh, not saying last week was not good thing. It's just between me and myself, to pamper myself, at own place.
dah minum air gula ke belom for diabetic test?
baru 5 bulan. belum time kot.
eliss dulu 5 bulan dah kena buat..pastu masa 7 bulan..8 bulan nanti pun nak kena buat lagik sekali..huhuhu..
5 bulan dah minum air gula? apesal awal? tengok kenaikan berat ke?
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