Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Isu nama Allah.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...


Orang katolik sebenarnya sudah mempunyai nama bagi tuhan mereka. nama tersebut adalah YHWH. Jadi kenapa orang catholic sibuk sangat nak guna nama Allah, nama yang maha suci dalam agama Islam. Mereka nak adopt nama Allah dan memberinya konsep triniti, kenapa?. Adalah tanggung jawab orang islam untuk memelihara kesucian nama Allah. Berbalik kenapa orang2 catholic tidak guna nama YHWH dalam bible terjemahan mereka?? Jawapanya mereka (catholic) sendiri dilarang menyebut atau menggunakan nama YHWH (nama tuhan mereka)kononnya bagi menjaga kesucian nama YHWH. Pelik sungguh mereka ini, berbeza dengan orang islam, yg digalakkan menyebut nama Allah dan memuji kesucian dan kebesaran nama Allah, tetapi mereka sebaliknya.

menurut "Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, dated June 29 2008"
rujuk website


"By directive of the Holy Father, in accord with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, this congregation ... deems it convenient to communicate to the bishops' conferences ... as regards the translation and the pronunciation, in a liturgical setting, of the divine name signified in the sacred Tetragrammaton," said the letter signed by Cardinal Francis Arinze and Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, congregation prefect and secretary, respectively.

The Tetragrammaton is YHWH, the four consonants of the ancient Hebrew name for God.

"As an expression of the infinite greatness and majesty of God, it was held to be unpronounceable and hence was replaced during the reading of sacred Scripture by means of the use of an alternate name: 'Adonai,' which means 'Lord,'"


"Apart from a motive of a purely philological order, there is also that of remaining faithful to the church's tradition, from the beginning, that the sacred Tetragrammaton was never pronounced in the Christian context nor translated into any of the languages into which the Bible was translated."
The two Vatican officials noted that "Liturgiam Authenticam," the congregation's 2001 document on liturgical translations, stated that "the name of almighty God expressed by the Hebrew Tetragrammaton and rendered in Latin by the word 'Dominus,' is to be rendered into any given vernacular by a word equivalent in meaning."

Ini mungkin juga bermakna semasa mubaligh catholic tiba di Borneo mungkin 400-500 tahun dulu, penduduk tempatan pada ketika itu adalah beragama Islam. Apakah kita nak biar sejarah hitam ini merebak di seluruh Malaysia. nama tuhan orang catholic adalah YHWH, tetapi mereka sendiri tidak dibenarkan mengguna nama tersebut, kerana Vatican bimbang nama tersebut tercemar. Apakah kita orang Islam diMalaysia nak biar paderi catholic kebebasan mencemar kesucian nama Allah??