Ada beberapa peristiwa menarik (at least for me) minggu lepas.
I showed him letter B. B for ball. The ball in the picture is exactly like his ball. Apa yg jadi adalah, tanpa berkata apa-apa, Iman pegi ke bakul mainan dia, dan cari ball dia. Awww... that's cute.
Iman ada 1 cho-cho train. I gave him the train for him to play. What happened was he went to his flash card yang berselerak atas katil dalam bilik and he brought me a train flash card. Awww...
On the same day, I gave him banana to eat. Iman suka. He can finish one whole banana himself, takde share dengan orang. Lepas makan, tanya dia "Iman makan apa?". Amazingly, he answered by showing me 'banana' flashcard :)
Knowing Iman can identify things, I discover he is able to differentiate color. He has a 'truck' flashcard. The truck is green color. I ask him to take me a truck (showing him the flashcard). I expect Iman to take me a big dump truck. But he go and take a small green soldier truck. Awwww... sebab warna hijau kot.
Cool. Baby (baby?) is so genius. All baby is genius. Mine and yours.
OMG!! Bijak nye dia..aku kagum dia boleh ingat benda2 dlm flashcard dia & samakan dgn real life..he's soooooo genius! And, still..he is a baby.. :)
Eh, cmne bola dia & bola dlm buku tu bleh exactly the same? Dr manufacterer yg sama ke? Cute gile ok!
aku boleh jadi emo bila Iman boleh pegi amik ball. dia pegi amik diam2 lak tu. So, aku kena cari gambar yg sebijik dgn barang/toys dia, supaya dia boleh mix and match barang dgn apa yg ada dlm card @ book. Ha, aku pon taktau camane buku & bola tu boleh sama. Bola tu beli kat daisho. Daisho barang2 jepun je. Buku tu bukan japang mari. Sah2 bukan manufacturer yg sama. kot? mak, panjangnye reply. hahaha..
aku pun terharu sama... suka! =)
totally agree!! sungguh comel baby2 ni kan?
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