Thursday, July 08, 2010

Our dinner

I cannot think what to cook. Seriously. Blame the hormone. Hahaha.. no lah. Blame the BBC fever. Or is it BW. Sengal la weh. Normally, I plan (or think) the dinner during working hour. But not this week.

What happen this week, below is what we have for our dinner this week:
  • Monday - nasi putih, sup daging
  • Tuesday - nasi kerabu (beli kat pasar malam)
  • Wednesday - spaghetti bolognese. Only minced meat, pasta sauce, sliced mushroom. Paling sempoi. Ampun ya suami ku.
  • Thursday - still thinking. Tik tok tik tok.
Hey. Boleh tak laki aku kata Aditya tu macam rupa Along Raja Lawak. Yang berlakon dalam Halimah Jongang the series tu, yang nak kat Halimah tu. Ha, yang tu. Ade plak macam tu. Heheh.. laki guwa.

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