Thursday, September 02, 2010

Wrap up

Dah bersawang? Belum. Tweeting more than blogging. Blogging kena taip panjang-panjang. But for the sake of I want to keep the memories, I will wrap up sikit sana-sini.

Lusa, Iman will turn 23mo. Fuh. Lagi sebulan, he'll turn 2y. A few days later, we'll be celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary. Iman has been so active now. Running here and there. He sometimes can throw tantrum kat mana dia nak (happened at petronas bila tak dapat belon, terus terbaring atas lantai). However, he's a darling bila nak suapkan aku biskut atau apa-apa yg dia tengah makan. Mencabar ok. Kalau time tak puasa, boleh la aku makan. Ini nak disuap petang-petang sebelum berbuka. Bila ditolak, berkeras nak suap. Bila kita pretend makan, dia nak kita buka mulut sb nak tengok kita chew. OMG.

As raya is few days left, aku dah dapat almost semua biskut raya. Beli 3 jenis je - 2 jenis choc based (RM25 each) and 1 pineapple tart (4 boxes of RM20 each). Ehh.. ada lagi. Kueh gunting (ye ke nama dia?). Semua jenis dah dimakan. Left 1 box each utk dibawa pulang ke kampung. Hihiii.. btw, I baked biskut sarang semut during the weekend. 1st attempt & Alhamdulillah it turn ok. Kekeekeke.. so, am looking forward to make more to give-away to babysitter, neighbours, in-laws & of course, bawak balik kampung ^_^

Tadaaaa... biskut sarang semut. Tak de nama lain ke? I dont like semut. Kecik2 pastu gigit orang. Bad ant, bad.

And, some more food. As I didn't go to param, i normally ordered some food from office. Hihihii.. suka mak. Dok kat office pon boleh order-order. Hari ni order 2 set of chicken chop, esok pulak 2 pieces of murtabak. Kadang-kadang, kalau nak makan kueh-mueh melayu, i can make order of kueh seri muka to this one kakak. Or, if feels like eating bubur lambuk, pon boleh order. Delivery sampai ke meja ^_^

Hmmm what else? Oh. Husband was so kind, belikan microwave. When I asked him "hadiah untuk apa?", his reply was "tak payah ada occasion pon boleh bagi hadiah" ^_^ After hunting one ELBA model, pegi sana-sini, it's either "sorry kak, habis stok" or "model ni tak ada". We end up bought a Sharp. It is grill oven. We wanted a convention one. Untuk sedapkan hati, we keep this kind of thoughts "Nanti kan nak beli package yg ada 3 barang tu, so, dapat la digital oven. Kalau nak bakar cake or cookies, we can use the old oven. Elok lagi." Hihiii.. berjaya sedapkan hati. Jadi, mari grill ikan/ayam/daging banyak-banyak.

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