I have a lot of books in this line. Maksudnya, parenting and baby/toddler food. Tapi yang ini rasanya menjadi my new 'friend' from today onwards. Best ok. The gambar, the illustration (sangat-sangat memainkan peranan ok. Note to editors in m'sia), the menus, the ideas.
Tentang buku ini yang saya suka adelah:
- macam buku lain, recipes/menus/ideas categorized according to age
- sebelah resepi tu, ada gambar2 cute representing nutrition. Wah, mak suka yg ni. So cute.
- this book has ideas on how-to frozen food. Read = food, not puree. I really need this!!!
- full with sample of planner. Which is very good.
- plenty of ideas on snack. Love it! Sangat sesuai utk Iman yg byk gigi dan suka makan.
- harganya mahal la. RM50. But it a good investment. It's book dear.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha semua. Safe journey. InsyaAllah.
aku pulak malas baca buku..aku suka buku yg byk gmbr je..hahah :P
ha, buku2 aku beli mmg byk gambar. sb tu aku beli. err.. ayat repeat. haha
im a collector too!! suka gila tgk recipes dia. annabel karmel punya are the best!
tapi tulahh mahalllll
i have one annabel karmel's book. Suka jugak tetapiiiiiiiiiiii... banyak recipes dia ada cheese and milk... Haih.
cikyam: oh, collector gak ek. betul3x.. mahal tak ingat.
Ajan: the latest one yg i beli ok-ok je. bahan2 yg tak berapa mahal. dan yg penting - resepi utk frozen food. i loike
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